I’m sure we were all hoping that working from home wouldn’t be a hot topic of conversation this far into the New Year, but here we are. If you haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, don’t worry – these work from home tips are for you! There’s no time like the present to improve your home life (which just so happens to include work life as well these days).

Start Your Day Off Right
Have you ever heard the saying, “Dress for the job you want”? It’s because your attitude is influenced by your mindset – by dressing for an important role, you’re tricking your mind into thinking you’re already there (or at least on your way). The same technique goes for working from home; if you stay in sweats or pajamas all day you won’t feel ready to tackle the day. I’m not saying you have to be dressed up with a blazer, pearls, and heels, but change into a fresh outfit that makes you feel confident. Take time to get dressed every day and watch your productivity (and mood) soar!
Stick to a Schedule
Just like you would in the office, make sure you give yourself time for breaks throughout the day. Working all the way through will cause burnout and possibly resentment towards others in your household. Hold yourself accountable to your designated work hours so that friends/family know when you’re on the clock, and when they’ll have your attention. If you’re able to get outside during your lunch break or for an afternoon pick-me-up, do so! Fresh air does the body good. At the very least change up your scenery so that your brain can get a visual stimulation break, which will help you refocus when you return to your desk.

Create a Designated Workspace
I know – working from your bed or on the couch sounds tempting. It can be nice for a day or two, but it is a bad call for your focus and health. Having a designated workspace away from noise and distractions will help you be efficient throughout the day, which leads to less time at work, and more time spent with your loved ones. Separating yourself from the disturbances in your home is key, even if you don’t have a true office space. Try choosing a location with natural light to help boost your mood and invest in an office chair with back support to keep your body in tip-top shape. Remember to keep your space clutter-free to keep anxiety and stress at bay. Read more about my office organization tips here!
Build in Transition Time
Normally you have a commute to-and-from work to go over your to-do lists or decompress from the day. It’s important to continue giving yourself these transition periods while you work from home. To start your day, consider journaling, enjoying coffee on the porch, or listening to upbeat music that puts you in a good mood. In the evening give yourself time to digest everything that happened throughout the work day. Try grabbing a good book, taking the dog for a walk, or working out to transition your brain from work-mode to “me” time. Giving yourself these transitions helps ease your mind before and after the work day, allowing you to be more present at home.

Make Communication a Priority
Communication is the key to a team’s success, especially if you’re not used to working from home. Stay in communication with your direct report or your team, if you are the manager, via text, email, or zoom calls. Creating clear expectations for yourself and your team, including how often you’d like to meet or be informed of updates, helps everyone work fluidly and collaboratively. No one likes surprises in the workplace so setting these expectations will limit last-minute “fires”, misunderstandings, and hold everyone accountable. Bonus: having meetings and conversations with coworkers will give you a sense of normalcy and help you feel less “stuck” on the hamster-wheel of being at home all day, every day.
Remember those days when we complained about spending more time in the office than at home? It feels like forever ago, but it is something I try to remind myself of when I’m feeling frustrated. At the end of the day, try to make the best of your current situation – the grass is greener where you water it. I hope these work from home tips are helpful for you as we all continue to navigate our current reality. If you have any questions you’d like to ask or need some help creating an effective workspace in your home, give us a call. We would love to help!
Looking forward to hearing from you,