What You Need to Know About Chronic Disorganization Blog

What is Chronic Disorganization? What can I do if I believe I may be living with this condition? Where do I even start in getting my loved one the organizational support they need? Is there someone that can help?

These are all questions someone facing the characteristics of Chronic Disorganization (CD) in themselves or in a loved one may have. Let’s start with the easy stuff: What is CD? Chronic Disorganization is defined as “a persistent and overwhelming state of clutter, disorganization, or the inability to maintain order in one’s personal and/or professional environment.” This condition can be more than a habit of being “messy” or occasional disorganization. It can have a severe impact on one’s daily functioning, mental wellbeing, and overall quality of life.

What are the characteristics of Chronic Disorganization?

The first thing to know about Chronic Disorganization is which characteristics to look for when trying to determine if your (or your loved one’s) disorganization is chronic. Individuals facing Chronic Disorganization of course have difficulty staying organized. They often struggle with organizing their items, tasks, and responsibilities. They also face challenges with decluttering, maintaining systems, and following through with plans.

The more “subtle” characteristics to keep an eye out for have to do with attributes you wouldn’t necessarily think to pair with “unorganized”. Someone with Chronic Disorganization may often feel overwhelmed and anxious because of the clutter and chaos in their lives. This anxiety and stress often leads to the individual withdrawing. Chronic Disorganization and the anxiety involved can also present as chronic procrastination. Individuals will frequently delay organizing or completing tasks (which leads to larger messes or the inability to follow through on important responsibilities).

Chronic Disorganization may also present as hoarding behaviors. Emotional attachment to items is a characteristic of the condition. Often, those with CD will develop emotional attachments to their belongings, making it harder for them to let go of things even if they no longer serve a purpose. Similarly, those with Chronic Disorganization often overbuy and overspend. These individuals are often compelled to feel the “hit” and are convinced they need to shop and buy things all the time (like a drug!)

What factors can lead to Chronic Disorganization?

Chronic Disorganization is frequently linked with many other conditions, and lots can factor into the disorder developing. Conditions like ADHD, Autism, or OCD can contribute to CD because of the effect they have on a person’s executive functioning, time management, and ability to focus. Individuals that struggle with perfectionism are also at risk of developing CD. Those who strive for perfection may avoid starting to get organized due to the fear of not doing it “perfectly”. This, in turn, leads to procrastination and increased disorganization. Some people simply lack the tools or skills needed to manage their spaces and may not know where to even start when it comes to organizing.

Depression, anxiety, and trauma can also make disorganization worse, as they can lead to decreased motivation, difficulty concentrating, or the feeling of hopelessness. Major life events or transitions, such as moving, the loss of a loved one/friend, and changes in a family structure (due to divorce, etc.) can disrupt routines. These disruptions can also lead to a decline in organizational habits and may factor into the development of Chronic Disorganization.

What are the negative impacts of Chronic Disorganization?

There are many negative effects of Chronic Disorganization. CD causes decreased productivity. The time spent needing to search for things or fixing issues caused by disorganization and overwhelm can decrease productivity both at work and at home.

Perhaps most importantly, CD will undoubtedly impact your relationships. Chronic Disorganization can cause strain in relationships with family, significant others/partners, and even coworkers due to misunderstanding related to the disorganization and frustrations it can cause. Relationship problems often develop into mental health issues.

The negative impact CD can have on your mental health seems obvious, but many don’t realize your physical health could also be impacted by Chronic Disorganization. CD can lead to both mental and physical health issues. These issues include the stress and anxiety that cluttered spaces bring, as well as not being able to complete tasks. The results of these challenges then lead to increased mental and physical fatigue. CD can also contribute to issues such as sleep problems, physical injuries (if the clutter is bad enough), and an overall sense of feeling stuck/stagnant in life

How can I effectively manage Chronic Disorganization?

So, here’s the big one! What can I do about my Chronic Disorganization?! Who can help? The short answer: we can! In truth, the best thing you can do to effectively manage life with CD (or with a loved one that has CD) is to seek professional help. Working with a professional organizer who is trained and understands the psychology behind Chronic Disorganization (as well as ADHD & OCD) can be vital to effectively managing the disorder. A professional, such as the ones we have at Sorted Out® , will establish organizational systems tailored to you & your household. The training, education, and wealth of knowledge a professional organizer can bring to your life ensures the systems put in place are successful and maintainable long-term. Working with someone to create these beneficial organizational systems will also help you create a positive mindset and view of organization. Pairing that with help from other professionals like a therapist or life coach with experience in managing ADHD, OCD or anxiety can also be very beneficial. These professionals can provide you with helpful tools to navigate your cognitive behaviors and identify any underlying emotional blocks. Finding other support is also effective! Join groups and connect with others who understand or may have Chronic Disorganization. Find a community that can provide encouragement and help you stay accountable.

Outside of enlisting professional help, there are a few smaller scale changes you can begin making to more effectively manage CD. Start small by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Don’t try to overhaul your entire home at once. By breaking down your organizational plan into more manageable steps, it will allow you to celebrate each small “win” when a task is completed and encourage you to continue. You can also establish a couple (simple) systems and routines to help you to maintain better organization long-term. To stay on top of the clutter, create a small decluttering routine once a week. Set up storage solutions to keep things in their place and create clear labeling so that it is easy for you and the rest of the household to know where items go. Make it a nightly “pick up” game for kids so they are excited to clean up and maintain their own spaces. Small habits such as these create healthy organizational habits as they get older.

We know that many people may not realize they have Chronic Disorganization and have lived their lives up until this point assuming they simply have some messier than average habits. We hope that if you recognized yourself (or a loved one) in the descriptions within this post that you are able to breathe a sigh of relief because help is out there! You don’t have to continue living with the anxiety, frustration, and helpless feelings that often come with Chronic Disorganization. Our inbox at info@sortedout.com is always open and we’d be honored to help you create systems and routines that will, quite frankly, change your life for the better.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.