The Organizer Hires An Organizer
Hi everybody! This year is FLYING BY!! It’s that time of year to get organized with those areas that you typically don’t think of. This September, I decided to focus on my electronic organization. This is an area I struggle with because I am always out organizing. If I am not at work, I am usually spending time chasing my kiddos to all their important events. So……I decided to hire my own company, Sorted Out You heard that right: the organizer is hiring an organizer. Like most, it’s hard to fit everything in a regular workday. So, I decided to call in my own pros!! Electronic organization is hard to focus on, so I decided to narrow it down to a few for now.
- Emails
My emails are actually not too bad at the moment. I hate having too many emails in my inbox. - Folders
Documents in my computer. - Photos
This is a huge problem in my daily life as well, much like my clients.
I decided to start with my photos first. Photo organization has been on my list of things to do for quite some time, about a year to be exact. I found that it was very overwhelming when I started looking through all my digital photos. My twins, Peyton and Sydney are seniors this year, so I decided it was time to get organized with my photos electronically.
One of our fabulous digital organizing experts with Sorted Out was hired to do this electronic project for me! She has been working with me on organizing my photos electronically, so I can get a handle on all thing’s graduation for the twins. I found it to be very tedious as I was sitting at my desk, staring at the screen. So, we met and decided how to organize my photos electronically to make it easier for me to find what I need, quickly.
The first step was to have an initial consultation just like I would with a client. We discussed what was most important to me, and how I wanted them organized so I can make sense of it in my own mind. We also decided on which program we were going to use, so it would make it easy for both of us to communicate when I wasn’t at my computer with her. Dropbox was the winner!
Ultimately, she started to sort by each child. In my specific instance, I have the twin’s photos together, Then a folder for Peyton, Sydney, and Lucas. They are all organized by age, then I have a folder for me and my husband, Adam. There is also a section for friends and one for family vacations. The final part of my photos I have organized is from Sorted Out. There are a lot more categories we will add later, but for now, I need to start with the kiddos! 😊 Remember its all a process.
We made easy folders so we can stay organized once and for all:
- Twins Together – By Age
- Peyton – By Age
- Sydney – By Age
- Lucas – By Age
- Tonia and Adam
- Friends
- Vacations
I hope this gives you some inspiration to get your photos electronically organized. I know its hard to get started, but once you do, you will be SO happy you did. I know I am grateful for my organizer’s help, because before you know it, I am going to be putting the twin’s graduation video together for their party!! Send me a message and let me know how you organize your photos! I would love to know.
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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.