garage organizing 2023 scaled

This month I focused on my garage since the weather has been nice! I actually hired Sorted Out to help along with Total Garage solutions to get my garage tidy again! Thankfully, Sorted Out was there to the rescue. Over the years, my garage has taken a back seat whenever it comes to getting organized. The garage seems like a place where things landed but did not have a home. Even as an organizer, some projects can just become overwhelming and that’s exactly what my garage was.

First, I wanted to evaluate my garage flooring. Ever since we moved in I felt like the garage floor was just kind of dirty looking. Total Garage Solutions has epoxy floor coverings, and I loved their process. Seth and his team made it easy for us! This also allowed me to purge and re-organize the garage.

I’ll include a couple of before and after pics in this post :) The floors turned out great and I can FINALLY check this off of my list!! Yay!! We also showed a glimpse of the process on the reels on our Instagram. If you haven’t seen the video yet, check it out! It was fun to watch the process (although I will admit, the mess of everything pulled out stressed me out. I realized how much junk I had that needed to be sorted through and purged – ha!)

Back in 2015, I installed ELFA shelving with The Container Store and this has also been a great solution for our garage. We are able to modify the system based on our family’s changing needs. It is a cost-effective way to organize your garage. Although I am a little out-of-sight, out-of-mind, I would prefer cabinets, however, again this was a cost effective solution at the time. Eventually, my goal is to have cabinetry added. I can’t wait to share that project with you all when the time comes!

Overall, I needed to refresh my space and purge so that I could make room for new sports equipment. This process has allowed me to not only redo my floors but really it’s just what I need in my garage. Happy Spring! Let me know how you are liking the Tips From Tonia!

Tips From Tonia Before Garage Cleaning PhotoTips From Tonia After Garage Cleaning Floor Photo
Tips From Tonia Before Garage Cleaning Floor PhotoTips From Tonia After Garage Cleaning Photo

What other areas do you want to see in my home organized?? Send me an email at & let me know. I’d love to hear from you!


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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.