Tips From Tonia –June 2024

Phew, now that I have made it through Graduation with the Twins, it is time to start getting my house back in order. Like all of us, it is hard to stay on top of organizational maintenance when things get a little crazy in our personal lives. Even the organizer needs to get organized. The twins will be prepping for college, and I really need to start getting organized around several parts of my home! I thought about what I was going to write about and thought it would be helpful to talk about how to get EVERYONE involved in the home. Afterall, we are ALL responsible for letting things get out of line in the home, so why not get the whole family together to get it back into tip-top shape!!

Getting all family members involved in organizational projects for the summer can be a fantastic way to foster engagement at home and achieve your goals. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Identify Projects: Determine what projects you want to organize during the summer. This could be a playroom, art room, bedrooms, and even bathrooms! I know one area where I have been dumping A LOT of things is the attic. I have college swag, dorm room supplies, and lots of keepsakes that need to be sorted out!
  2. Communicate Goals: Clearly communicate the goals of the projects to your family. Explain why these projects are important for each person and how their involvement can be effective. Also, communicate why we need these areas organized. DUH, “it is making me crazy!”. LOL For me personally, I do not want to waste time looking for things. My time is valuable, and I need to spend it effectively!
  3. Create Family-Friendly Activities: Get everyone involved. Organizing is like a team sport; it takes all of us to get this job done! Consider organizing areas that pertain to kids’ rooms/art etc. Making it a fun activity will keep little ones motivated.
  4. Offer Incentives: Provide incentives for your family to participate, such as recognition for purging items no longer needed, giving items to charity, and small rewards for completing tasks. “Payment” can be in sweets or even ice cream when you are done! I have been known to do that with my 9-year old son. For him, I am going to have to invest in lots of Reese’s, and maybe some signed baseball cards. You could also offer rewards like snacks or refreshments during the organizing process. Always keeps me moving and motivated as well!
  5. Take a Tour Together: Walk around your new spaces and talk about the benefits of getting organized and STAYING organized in your areas. I know it is easy to get out of the habit of getting organized. Now, to maintain the space, spend 30 minutes each week in these areas to pick up and purge so it does not get out of hand again!

Take a picture and let me know what you and your family decided to organize together this month. I would love to hear all about it!


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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.