I can’t believe it’s already April! This month I have committed to organizing my makeup. After completing the Good Morning Texas segment, I wanted to give myself a little bit of a challenge. But honestly it forced me to go through my makeup and be real with myself, and actually keep what I use. I know we all get marketed for all the latest and greatest products, but we can’t possibly use all of the items we keep in our bathroom!! Let me tell you, I thought it was going to be a lot easier! It’s so hard to go through all your makeup because you spend a lot of money on these products, and I have to go back and think how long it has been since I’ve used specific items. The bathroom definitely does not get enough attention these days. It’s the first place we go in the morning and the last place we end up in the evening, so we don’t realize how messy and dirty it can get. Not to mention all the expired items in your drawers!
I am very much an out-of-sight , out-of-mind kind of person when it comes to my daily routine. I used all clear dividers for the drawers to make it easy to see. I like to have an everyday tray out, so I know exactly what I need to be doing in the morning and in the evening and it’s right in my face.
When I was re-organizing all my makeup, I put the expiration dates on some of the pallets/containers, so I can replace them as they expire.
As promised, here are some before and after pictures of the makeup….now no judging!!! Ha! I’m glad I’m doing the Tips from Tonia because it’s holding me accountable to organizing some things in my own home!
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