The best way to refresh and renew your business organization in a new year is to begin with the space where most of your business is conducted: your desk! Even if you typically begin your year, quarter, or week with a well-organized desk and every intention of keeping it that way, we know that all it takes is one chaotic or busy day to begin the snowball effect that is a desk suddenly covered in piles, clutter, and chaos. Giving your desk a little TLC and setting yourself up with an organized foundation now will allow you to come out of a busy or chaotic day unscathed. Keep reading for the 101 on desk organization straight from the mouths of our experts!
Set Up Your Drawers
Setting up your desk drawers is a critical step in desk organization because they provide most of the storage within the space. Desk drawers are the perfect place for stationary items. No matter the job, almost all businesses will require a variety and abundance of stationary items, so you’ll want to use desk dividers. Placing dividers within your drawers will allow you to separate items such as pens, markers, sticky notes, paper clips, whiteout, staples, etc. Simply throwing all these supplies into an empty drawer will create a sense of clutter, can lead to misplaced items, and may make it more difficult to quickly find what you need in the moment you need it. Creating a divided set-up with all these small items in a designated home within your desk drawers will help control the clutter and keep you at your most efficient.

Have a Reference Area
Again, no matter the job, you’ll likely have an abundance of resources and references needed while at work. Part of organizing your desk may involve setting up a reference area for some of the items you need, but not on a daily basis. You don’t want the items you use less frequently (such as manuals or books) to take up valuable desk real estate, so it’s best if you create a reference area somewhere that isn’t your primary workspace. You do, however, want to ensure this area is still easily accessible! A nearby shelf, storage cabinet, or closet is a great place for important manuals and references. Any of those options would also make the perfect place to store extra office supplies, snacks, water, etc.
Eliminate Desk Clutter
Once your drawers have been set up, and your extra supplies and references have been properly stored in a new area, you want to eliminate any other lingering clutter. The key to increasing productivity at your desk is to make sure you have a clear space to work. The less clutter you have in front of you, the less distracted you will be. Take a look at everything on your desk and remove anything that doesn’t directly contribute to your productivity. Eliminate the clutter on top of your desk so that you give yourself sufficient space to begin each workday without having to first move things around. Ideally, you can sit down at your desk, get your laptop out, and get right to work.
With the clutter gone, it gives you space to have all critical and frequently used supplies in sight. If everything that remains on your desk has a designated “home” it will reduce the time it takes you to find what you’re looking for once you’ve begun your workday. Whether you’re working from home or in an office, having a space that encourages you to stay focused will allow you to do your best work. Prevent clutter from building up and repeatedly needing eliminated by setting up filing systems. (If you need tips on effective filing in the office check out this blog post on paper files.) Promptly file papers that can be put away, and have a space designated for paper items that you are still working on. Shred or recycle any paperwork you no longer need; don’t let it accumulate or simply shuffle from pile to pile!

Basic Supplies Needed
Of course, to best organize your desk there are some supplies I’ve mentioned here that you’ll need to acquire (if you don’t already have them). Items such as paper trays, file folders, and dividers will keep your desk clear of clutter and help keep drawers tidy and in order. Not only can you use drawer dividers, but you may also use baskets in your drawers and within your desk space and/or reference area. (I shared several of our favorite desktop, drawer, and tray organizers in my post on Saavy Organizing Tools for Busy Professionals.) As you will want to do in any organized space, define all designated areas by labeling! Labeling is an easy but essential step; always, always label!
Having a basic filing cabinet or file drawer is vital for paperwork that is completed but must be held onto for record-keeping purposes. Additional items such as a bookshelf, cabinet, wall shelves, or hanging folders can also be helpful for extra storage. Beneath or beside any organized desk you should find a trash can and shredder.
We understand the importance of beginning each workday with a literal clean slate at your desk. If you’re feeling overwhelmed because you’ve let yours get too far out-of-hand, or, if you’d like customized organization advice for the specific files and supplies you use throughout your workday; we can help! Our inbox at info@sortedout.com is always open and we’d be more than happy to help you find the best way to make your desk go from promoting distraction to encouraging productivity this year.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.