Our lives get busy with work, our children’s school and activities, as well as our own responsibilities and activities. Most people get their home and autos insured and then never really deal with insurance until there is a problem such as a car accident or a home repair.
Reviewing your policies on an annual basis is a good idea to ensure that you and your property are covered properly and can save you money in the long run.
Here are a few tips from our friends at Moore Insurance to keep you on top of your insurance coverage:
Our friends at Moore Insurance have been serving Texas clients for 8 years. They are an independent agent, so they offer a choice of multiple insurance carriers, coverages and pricing. Their focus is to find the best coverage to fit their clients’ needs. Their motto is service oriented, solution driven, and they work for you, not the insurance company. They are a local agency that is involved in the community that you live in. So, when you are reviewing your insurance for the best coverage and the best price, contact Moore Insurance at 972-432-6650 or online at http://mooreinsgroup.com/. Or email Alex Pantazis at alex@mooreinsgroup.com
Or visit their neighborhood group at http://neighborhoodnetworkinggroup.com/