We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers. The most commonly “reorganized” spaces in your home are the kitchen, pantry, and closets. Have you ever found yourself itching to organize these spaces only to feel like all you did was buy a bunch of new bins and have it look better for maybe a week tops? You aren’t alone! (There are even many professional organization companies that will get caught up in the project and focus on the aesthetic vs. creating true organization systems.) People put things in pretty baskets and sure, it looks nice! But does it truly make sense for your family?
Assess Everyone’s Needs
To have the most success with a true reorganization of these common spaces, you want to establish systems that make sense for every family member. Is there anything unique or specialized that anyone in the family requires? Consider how various family members operate both within their brain and within your home. Someone with ADHD is going to operate differently than someone without and this fact cannot be forgotten! ADHD is a huge factor to consider because each system will need to be tailored to work for that person (while also easily working for every other member in the house). Consider other factors such as hobbies, work activities, extra curriculars, and varying storage needs. Get input from all members of the household to make sure everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinions and share suggestions and potential concerns. This will also help foster a sense of accountability and ownership, encouraging continued cooperation in maintaining the space!
Create Zones
The best place to start is by dividing the space into functional zones that make sense based on its’ purpose. For example, an area such as a living room is likely a multi-use area serving as a kids play area, the family gathering space, a reading area, etc. Within each zone, make sure you place items that pertain to the activity it is established for. If one zone is a workstation or homework area, have necessary supplies such as pencils, paper/a notebook, a calculator, etc. included nearby. On that same note, any space designated for work (whether schoolwork or for a job) should be in an area of the home with limited distractions.
Storage Solutions
Once zones have been established based on purpose and functionality, you want to tackle practical storage in each. Consider the size of the space itself and what storage solutions will best cater to your family’s specific needs. Storage options can include adding shelving, bins/baskets, a cabinet, etc. (Make sure to measure before you purchase any new storage items!) Depending on the purpose of the space your storage can hold items such as: pool gear and towels, toys, family games, hobby or craft items, etc. And don’t forget to utilize the vertical space in each room for optimal storage organization!
If you are purchasing any new furniture such as bookshelves or cabinets, try to choose an item that can adapt through different ages and stages of life. Purchasing a piece that can potentially be used in another space or for other items as your kids grow increases the longevity and functionality of the item. Items with different uses are also a great option because they can further adapt to changes in your family needs over the years.
Labels can be both pretty and critically helpful. Make sure to label everything clearly and consider any special sizing or fonts to cater to others in the home. If a family member has sight-trouble, you will want to use a larger text on the labels. For spaces the children share, a cursive font should be avoided. If the home has areas designated for younger non-readers you may want to include pictures for the labels. You might also consider using fun colored text for kids’ items, to make it more fun for them to put their items away in the designated spot.
Functional & Maintainable
A good organizational system is not just a space that looks nice and is functional, but one that is also easy to maintain over time. Create both daily and weekly routines to ensure everyone in the family is maintaining the space. These routines should include regular decluttering and purging (weekly and/or monthly) so that you are getting rid of anything that no longer has a use or is defective or broken. Consistent attention and maintenance will help prevent clutter from building up and reaching a point where it becomes overwhelming.
We understand that having a space look pretty is a goal for many people. But more importantly, our goal at Sorted Out is that once we’re done with it? Your space will also feel pretty. Gorgeous and coordinated labeled baskets in a playroom don’t make sense if the child can’t read the font on the labels. Pretty matching canisters in the pantry don’t help much if they can’t be reached by the family members that will need them. Permanent labels on storage shelves that will be repurposed to hold different items after a year or two will be the opposite of effective. Please reach out to us at info@sortedout.com if your goal is not only presenting a pretty aesthetic, but creating systems that will have your home both looking and feeling like an organized, manageable, living space for years to come.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.