Creating a supportive organizational structure for employees with ADHD is key to fostering an inclusive and productive work environment. You want to establish an environment where all employees, including those with ADHD, feel understood and supported because it can lead to higher productivity and overall job satisfaction.
Creating a supportive organizational structure for employees with ADHD is key to fostering an inclusive and productive work environment. You want to establish an environment where all employees, including those with ADHD, feel understood and supported because it can lead to higher productivity and overall job satisfaction.
In December I talked about my favorite apps for individual productivity at work and said we’d circle back to the top apps for customer relationship management (CRMs) after the holidays. Well, Happy Circle Back Season to all who are celebrating this January!
In today's fast-paced business environment, the organization of workstations plays a crucial role in promoting employee productivity and well-being. A thoughtfully designed workspace not only supports efficient work practices but also fosters a positive and collaborative atmosphere.
Are you a “Yes Man/Woman”? Do you consistently find yourself having a hard time saying “no” to your boss and/or coworkers? The fact of the matter is that overcommitting yourself at work can lead to more negatives than positives.
Happy October! I hope everyone is ready for some fall weather. I know I sure am! The twins are doing well in college, and we visited them both this past month.
Boost focus and productivity with ADD/ADHD-friendly workplace habits. Learn how to structure routines, use reminders, break down tasks, minimize distractions, and take breaks. Contact Sorted Out for personalized productivity support.
When we hear the word “perfect”, we often consider it a compliment. However, perfectionism in the workplace is often a hinderance. Are there benefits to someone striving for the goal of perfection in their career?
At Sorted Out we are all about strength and independence. We absolutely understand that many of us work hard for our money and don’t spend it lightly and without purpose.
Since I am in huge college mode with the twins this August, I wanted to think of something useful to help everyone get organized for this month. I love using August as a time to get organized in the office, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed in yours, I would suggest using these helpful tips.
In today's fast-paced digital world, staying organized is no longer just about keeping a tidy desk or a well-arranged closet; it extends into the digital realm. From overflowing email inboxes to cluttered cloud storage, managing digital chaos is becoming increasingly crucial.
We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers.
At Sorted Out we have several organizers on our team that hold certificates in Productivity and Time Management Studies. We also have professionals that hold ADHD Specialist Certificates, and we have a few that hold both! When I say we know and understand the complexities of having ADD/ADHD?
Is it hypocritical of me to finally be sitting down to write this post on the eve of my self-governed deadline for it? Probably! But the truth of the matter is no one is 100% safe from the pitfalls of the dreaded “P” word… procrastination.
Any thriving business hits a point of success that requires the next step to be taken to continue the upward trajectory. If you have been hardworking and determined enough to begin seeing the fruits of your labor develop into true business success; Congratulations!
It is often very tempting to want to hit the “pause button” on work. Especially this time of year with the weather beginning to improve and more Spring activities popping up, it’s more appealing than ever to hit pause by using “Hold” or “To Review” files.
For most of us natural born organizers, nothing is more annoyingly stressful than the glaring red notification bubble on our email inbox.
The best way to refresh and renew your business organization in a new year is to begin with the space where most of your business is conducted: your desk!
I truly can’t believe I am now sitting down and writing the final blog post of 2023! Wow, what a busy and productive and enjoyable and chaotic year it has been. It feels bizarre [...]
Becoming an empty nester is an exciting and monumental accomplishment, but simultaneously a terrifying and difficult adjustment. First and foremost, congratulations! You’ve successfully raised and sent your children out into the world, and for that [...]
We have ALL been there: picture yourself driving home from work, going over tomorrow’s to-do list in your head only to suddenly to realize, “Tomorrow’s to-do-list looks pretty similar to today’s to-do-list.” Now you’re reflecting on the past 8-12 hours you just spent at work and think, “Wait. Did I accomplish anything today? What did I spend my entire day doing if it wasn’t my work?!!”
Of course, we all know being disorganized is bad. ”Organized” is a trait drilled into our brains as beneficial from a very young age (both at home and at school). But have you ever truly [...]
Meetings are a necessary evil for any business or group of people working together, but there is a way to take the “evil” out of the equation! Meetings are necessary; but the more efficient [...]
Have I ever typed up a post and not used the word “label”? (I feel like I haven’t!) Labeling is one of the simplest and most critical steps of any organization project. Big or small, [...]
Looking to get the piles upon piles of papers on your desk at work sorted out and gone for good?! We’re here to help! We know even those that are most organized and have [...]
Looking for something new and effective to implement at work to help get things more organized or to keep you on task? One of the simplest solutions for making work easier is a workflow [...]
Email. This week’s topic is something seemingly small and insignificant, but wow, will these tips end up making a huge organizational difference in both your mind and your inbox! Email is a part of [...]
What busy professional doesn’t want their day to be as productive as possible? Keeping an organized workspace, task list, and schedule has many benefits and will only make your busy day more efficient and productive. [...]
Have you recently bought a new house? Gotten a promotion that requires a location change? Starting your next adventure in a new place? First and foremost, congratulations!! A move is an exciting and celebratory time [...]
Do you ever wonder why you can only accomplish a small percentage of what you planned despite working 40 hours a week? Are you feeling like you're not accomplishing enough? The best action to [...]
Here at Sorted Out, we specialize in helping clients with a diverse set of needs, ADHD being one of them. Our organizing experts hold certificates through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization, which means our [...]
Here at Sorted Out, we specialize in making your life easier. From tax tips to storage organization, we’ve got you covered! Because we cover a wide variety of needs, we thought it would be [...]
At this point in the year we’ve all dealt with our share of zoom fails. You know...bad connections, disorganized hosts, talking over one another, the list goes on. It looks like zoom calls are here [...]
I’m sure we were all hoping that working from home wouldn’t be a hot topic of conversation this far into the New Year, but here we are. If you haven’t gotten the hang of it [...]
Organization can be tough to tackle; it can seem overwhelming and at times, too intimidating to even begin. Having many years of professional organizing experience, we’ve learned that this is especially prominent in clients [...]
Let me start with saying - I get it. Organizing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it can seem like an incredibly daunting task. There’s always something else you can be doing, like enjoying [...]
If you are working from home regularly, or just needing a little help managing your home office files, we would like to offer some tips on how to keep your documents in order and [...]
The Coronavirus has affected millions of people worldwide. Not only has it changed the way we go about our everyday lives, many of us have been drastically hit financially. Work slowed and hours cut, [...]
How is everyone holding up? I hope your families are safe and healthy. It is such a surreal world we find ourselves living in these days. We’re cooped up at home playing coworker with [...]
Chances are you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method, or, the method of “tidying up”. The guru has made a name for herself in helping families declutter and organize their homes. I’m [...]
Our lives get busy with work, our children’s school and activities, as well as our own responsibilities and activities. Most people get their home and autos insured and then never really deal with insurance [...]
It is the start of the new year and before we know it, tax season will creep up on us. If you are like me, you think that you have plenty of time to pull [...]
We all face the challenges of office clutter whether it’s in the home office or in the work place. Follow some of these seven quick tips and eliminate your office clutter and chaos once [...]