What is Chronic Disorganization? What can I do if I believe I may be living with this condition? Where do I even start in getting my loved one the organizational support they need? Is there someone that can help?
This month for Tips from Tonia, I decided to talk about how I organized my laundry room with Sorted Out. Yes, you heard that right, I hired my own company to help me sort out my space.
Pantry organization isn’t something that needs to be overhauled or updated too often if regular maintenance is completed throughout the year, but a new or special diet is surely something that will require a pantry makeover!
Happy February! It’s that time of the year that most of us dread, Tax Time! Even as a professional organizer, I dread this too. So instead of procrastinating this year, I decided to hit my taxes head on this year!!
This is one of those blog post topics that I have on the brain because I need to take my own advice and do it myself! There is no better time for decluttering your digital files, email subscriptions, device storage, etc. and setting up new digital organization systems than the start of the new calendar year.
Happy New Year!! It’s 2025 and I have a BIG Project to share with you for Tips from Tonia this month. Like most clients, I didn’t get a chance to embark on this project due to the holidays, etc.
Have you ever heard of the “sandwich generation”? It’s a newer title for what one source estimates to be at least 11 million people, and there’s a chance you’re part of it! If you are someone that would be considered “sandwiched” there are some specific things you could do to get more organized during this phase
Since December has snuck up on us, I thought this month’s Tips from Tonia would be nice to talk about how to declutter and purge holiday decorations.
The kitchen is the most frequently used room in most homes. It’s also likely one of the most unorganized! Add ADHD into the equation and it becomes even more imperative that the space is organized in a way that allows you to be the most successful and use it most effectively.
Hope everyone had a great fall break! We were able to see the Twins for a little bit of fall break. Now that Fall Break is over, and we can start thinking about getting our lives in order for the holidays.
Get ready for your new baby with these essential tips for organizing the nursery, baby-proofing, and preparing your home for a smooth transition. Discover expert advice to help you welcome your newborn stress-free!
Prepare your outdoor space for fall with 7 easy tips! From cozy decor to safety and entertainment, get ready for cool nights and fun gatherings.
At Sorted Out we are all about strength and independence. We absolutely understand that many of us work hard for our money and don’t spend it lightly and without purpose.
Since I am in huge college mode with the twins this August, I wanted to think of something useful to help everyone get organized for this month. I love using August as a time to get organized in the office, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed in yours, I would suggest using these helpful tips.
We’re all guilty of it. Getting hit with the “I want to organize my life!” bug that in reality meant you threw away 2-3 items, bought a ton of new storage containers, and then shoved things you weren’t really sure what to do with into various bins, baskets, and drawers.
7 things NOT to do when organizing your pool toys and floats. It’s that time of year when we need to evaluate all our pool toys and floats around the yard and storage areas. These items are always bulky and frankly kind of annoying to go through. LOL! I know it is for me.
Whether decluttering, spring cleaning, downsizing, or simply refreshing your space, there is typically one category of items in your home that won’t be hitting the road any time soon. Memorabilia!
Phew, now that I have made it through Graduation with the Twins, it is time to start getting my house back into order. Like all of us, it is hard to stay on top of organizational maintenance when things get a little crazy in our personal lives.
The topic of this post is a big one…literally. The boomer generation got its name because of the historically big “boom” in U.S births between 1946 and 1964. Now? In 2024? The boomer generation is aging and that means over three million people are at a time in their lives where it makes sense to downsize.
May is already here, and we are in FULL graduation mode with my identical twins, Peyton and Sydney! It’s a bittersweet time but that doesn’t stop me from some of the home projects I have going on around the house.
Last month I talked about the best ways to organize under your kitchen sink. That got me thinking about another area of my kitchen that truly has no business ever being as cluttered as it often is… the countertops!
Spring is in the air and you know what that means…..it’s spring cleaning & decluttering time. It feels so good to do some cleaning along the way. I wanted to put together some tips this [...]
This blog topic is one that came to mind when the cabinet under my own kitchen sink got a spontaneous overhaul just last week! The other day, I happened to need a product (I believed to be) located under my kitchen sink.
The great thing about decluttering is that it (hopefully) leads to a giant pile of items that will be leaving your home. The bad thing about decluttering is…that it leads to a giant pile of items that are still in your home.
I have a great feeling about 2024! Last year truly did feel like a year that many people I know (personally, professionally, & from a distance) began their journey to bettering themselves and their [...]
Happy New Year! It’s here, I said it - 2024! I still can’t believe what year it is. I feel like time keeps going faster and faster. This year is especially bittersweet because the twins will [...]
It’s that time of the year to start getting organized for Christmas. This is a really fun time for families to relax and enjoy the holidays together, but it can be a little overwhelming. I [...]
Happy November everyone! I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather like we are. I feel like it took forever to get here though. Now that it’s fall, it’s time to start getting organized in [...]
It’s that time of the year and I’m ready to purge some areas in my house! Who’s with me?? It’s hard to find the time to go through all the holiday decor, candles, linens, etc. [...]
What’s one of the smallest spaces in your home yet has perhaps the biggest role and most potential when it comes to organization? Your closet! Think about it. This space is most commonly no [...]
The Organizer Hires An Organizer Hi everybody! This year is FLYING BY!! It’s that time of year to get organized with those areas that you typically don’t think of. This September, I decided to [...]
Who gave August and the back-to-school season permission to be here already?! I personally can’t believe how quickly the middle of this year has flown by, and now the busiest quarter of the year [...]
I cannot believe we are already into August tips from Tonia! If you are like me, I do not know where this summer has gone. What has everybody been up to this summer? I know [...]
I hope you’ve all been having a lovely summer! We’ve been busy busy over here, but I thought now was a perfect time to talk about something that doesn’t often scream “organized”…your kids! Yes, [...]
Take Your House Back I hope everybody’s having a great summer! For the July tips, I decided to write about something relatable to just about everyone. I don’t know about you, but I feel [...]
Tis the season! You know the one. The time of year you notice a homemade neon sign (or 4) on every corner with various arrows hoping to point you in the direction of a [...]
School is finally out, which means my family & I are getting ready for our summer trip to Hawaii! Planning for this trip has been flat out exhausting, but all of the hours planning & [...]
Clutter: A collection of things lying about in an untidy mass (as defined by the Oxford Languages Dictionary). More informally known as “the massive amounts of excessive STUFF I’ve accumulated over the years and [...]
This month I focused on my garage since the weather has been nice! I actually hired Sorted Out to help along with Total Garage solutions to get my garage tidy again! Thankfully, Sorted Out was [...]
I think many of us would agree that keeping your own closets at home is a hard task as it is. But keeping a supply closet that you share with an entire team of people [...]
Spring has sprung and that means summer is right around the corner! Hopefully you’ve already started your countdown to a much-needed vacation, or, you’ll have the opportunity to soon plan a trip to enjoy in [...]
What busy professional doesn’t want their day to be as productive as possible? Keeping an organized workspace, task list, and schedule has many benefits and will only make your busy day more efficient and productive. [...]
Have you recently bought a new house? Gotten a promotion that requires a location change? Starting your next adventure in a new place? First and foremost, congratulations!! A move is an exciting and celebratory time [...]
I hope everybody is having a great start to the month. I’d like to report back on some of the projects I was working on around my own home. Do you ever feel like you have a [...]
I hope that everybody is off to a great start to 2023. The New Year is already flying by! If you didn’t get a chance to watch my Good Morning Texas segment in January, [...]
Why does no one talk about this?! I seem to find myself completely baffled at the fact that more home experts aren’t sharing tips on how to care for your collectibles and heirlooms post-holidays. [...]
Happy New Year! We had another incredible year in 2022 here at Sorted Out and we have YOU to thank for that. We feel so blessed to be able to offer our assistance and [...]
Happy new year! I can’t believe it’s already 2023. I often ask myself where all these years go. I feel like time needs to slow down a bit. 😫 After reflecting on 2022, I [...]
It’s no secret the holidays can be overwhelming. Between the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and hosting, how in the world do we muster up enough holiday spirit?! I’m not one to pretend that I’m above [...]
Get Organized this Holiday Season and Avoid the Holiday Stress! Is the thought of the upcoming holidays stressing you out? Don’t worry, we all feel it. Thanksgiving is over, we managed to get through [...]
Here at Sorted Out, we specialize in helping clients with a diverse set of needs, ADHD being one of them. Our organizing experts hold certificates through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization, which means our [...]
Bathrooms can quickly become a catch-all space if you’re not careful. It makes sense because so many items are needed in this space: skincare, medicines, shower necessities, extra supplies, linens, and even laundry at [...]
It’s already that time of the year to start thinking about and preparing for the Thanksgiving Holiday! I don’t know about you, but it’s a bit overwhelming sometimes to think about all the things that [...]
Organizing is important for all ages and stages of life and as we grow older, the more “stuff” we seem to accumulate. That’s why keeping up with your organization and remaining consistent over the [...]
We’re seeing more and more natural disasters occurring around our country on what seems like a weekly basis. With temperatures rising and climates experiencing weather they aren’t used to, (I’m looking at you, Dallas [...]
We are in the thick of the DIY age, and understandably so! Consumers have so much inspiration at their fingertips thanks to social media (Instagram, Pinterest, Tik Tok), video streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, etc.), [...]
Ah, the home garage. Also known as our very expensive storage unit - ha! I think we can all relate to a time in our lives where our garage functioned more as a chaotic [...]
Complete Move-In and Unpacking Sorted Out has been working on a large move-in/unpacking project since February! The 13000 sq. ft. home was purchased by our client & has undergone extensive renovations, including added organizational [...]
If you’re unfamiliar with estate planning, it is simply planning ahead and lining things up (like finances and properties) for asset transfer following your passing. It’s not something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy [...]
Happy 2022! The start of a new year is the time where we get to hit the restart button on our work/life balance. Not just a resolution but offering a new start with a clean slate! [...]
There’s something magical about toys. And no, I don’t mean the smiles and laughter they bring to our kids’ faces (although it is sweet). I’m talking about how they seem to magically multiply at night, [...]
Complete Closet Makeover Sorted Out recently teamed up with California Closets for a closet renovation project! Check out this video & before/after photos of the project and the AMAZING results once the closet was [...]
I can’t believe I’m saying it but...it’s back-to-school season! Did anyone else feel like this summer flew by? The school supply section nearly stopped me in my tracks during my recent Target visit - ha! With [...]
This month we’ll discuss purse and bag organization because if you’re anything like me, your life lives in your purse and needs just as much TLC as your home does. This blog post is definitely [...]
It’s officially summer and the country looks to be opening up enough for some travel plans! I know many of you may still prefer to drive to your destination instead of flying, so I thought [...]
When it comes to organizing, anything is better than nothing. But like most areas of life, there are tiered levels of success. Let’s take a look at the top 10 organizing mistakes people make, so [...]
At this point in the year we’ve all dealt with our share of zoom fails. You know...bad connections, disorganized hosts, talking over one another, the list goes on. It looks like zoom calls are here [...]
I’m sure we were all hoping that working from home wouldn’t be a hot topic of conversation this far into the New Year, but here we are. If you haven’t gotten the hang of it [...]
Recently I’ve been sharing a lot of tips with you on establishing an organized home and how to keep it that way. Today’s blog post is going to focus on organizing your clutter “hot spots” [...]
Surely if you’re reading this you’re well aware of the calm, satisfied feeling that occurs when you’ve finished cleaning or organizing a space. You know the feeling I’m talking about - it’s the best! Not [...]
We’ve all been there - you swear you set your alarm with plenty of time to get yourself ready, lunches packed, and the kids out the door on time for school...but somehow your morning [...]
Autumn is generally the time when most people begin to downsize. The time of the year when the weather has cooled off and the holidays are just around the corner, giving the opportunity to get [...]
How anyone survives without meal planning is beyond me. I mean, it saves so much time, energy, and money...if you’re not already doing it, it’s a must! Especially with the kids back to school. [...]
It’s finally Fall, which means it’s time we can begin to cool off from the summer heat and cozy up in our favorite fall attire. Warm coffee or tea by the fire, leaves changing [...]
Moving can be stressful no matter the time of year. But moving during a global pandemic? That is just downright overwhelming. Here at Sorted Out we’re always learning, growing, and coming up with solutions that [...]
Let me start with saying - I get it. Organizing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it can seem like an incredibly daunting task. There’s always something else you can be doing, like enjoying [...]
Now that we’ve all been stuck at home for 3+ months, I’m sure you’ve noticed plenty of “extras” floating around. You know, the kids’ art projects from school (the ones that are so sweet [...]
The Coronavirus has affected millions of people worldwide. Not only has it changed the way we go about our everyday lives, many of us have been drastically hit financially. Work slowed and hours cut, [...]
For many, summer is the season of vacation, sunburns, fireworks, and belly-aching laughter. For others (ahem, parents, I’m looking at us) it is the time of absolute chaos. Sure, summer has some amazing perks [...]
How is everyone holding up? I hope your families are safe and healthy. It is such a surreal world we find ourselves living in these days. We’re cooped up at home playing coworker with [...]
Custom closets seem prestigious, don’t they? They are often times seen in celebrity and top Instagram Influencer’s homes, decorated to the nines, always tidy, and so dreamy. While we service many of these types of [...]
It’s been a while since we’ve discussed Sorted Out’s offerings and what we’re all about. With so many professional organizers out there, it’s important to us that you know what sets us apart. As Coco [...]
Give the Gift of a Clean Garage Garage Organization Whose garage is just a big, overpriced storage unit? Between holiday decorations, kids’ toys, and those few boxes that were never unpacked from when [...]
It's that time of year here in Texas that the leaves are starting to turn and temperatures cooling down, which means it's time to winterize your outdoor living space. Backyard Butler is here to [...]
Summertime is for backyard cookouts, pool days, and family gatherings. It’s no wonder summer is everyone’s favorite season! Spending time outdoors is ideal for those large get-togethers: more space, no breakable heirlooms, and lots [...]
Spring cleaning…ahh, those two dreaded words. Nothing can bring you down from your seasonal high than realizing you’re about to spend a full weekend diving deep into the world of cleaners, dust bunnies, and [...]
Transform your bedroom in less than an hour! We're so excited to share our latest bedroom makeover featured on Good Morning Texas. Special thanks to Vanessa for allowing us into her home and sharing her [...]
Chances are you’ve heard about Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method, or, the method of “tidying up”. The guru has made a name for herself in helping families declutter and organize their homes. I’m [...]
Happy New Year, friends! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. Mine was filled with family, love, & some much needed down time. Now that 2019 is here, it’s time for me to get back [...]
The holidays can get a bit hectic. Between the parties, meeting year-end deadlines, and making sure Santa got everything on the kids’ lists, there’s little time to think about gifts for others. It’s all [...]
Let’s be honest, if you’re hosting guests for the holidays life can be incredibly joyous, but sometimes stressful! Between airport pickups, grocery shopping, decorating, and whatever else there is on your to-do list, time [...]
We’ve all been there. You’re entertaining guests for a Friday night happy hour, winding down and enjoying each other’s company at the week’s end. You go to grab your charcuterie board ingredients from [...]
Summer is here, the kids are out of school, and the Texas heat is unbearable. We are all looking for ways to stay indoors and keep cool. What better time of year to start [...]
Organizing your home, your garage, your storage units and your office can be a daunting task. It requires knowing what you have, the value of the items and whether you want to keep them, [...]
Getting organized and staying on track can be challenging for those who suffer with ADD or ADHD. It is hard to prioritize tasks, pay attention to details and sustain attention span. Here are a few tips and tools to help keep you organized and on top of your game:
Springtime is here, and it is a great time to update your home whether you are thinking about listing your home on the market or you are just ready for a change. There are several things you can do to make your home feel fresh and new.
Alright, we have been waiting for Spring to come and we think it has finally arrived! The trees are turning green, our perennials are blooming, and we are ready for the warm Texas weather. Now is the time to plan our Spring projects such as cleaning out our attic or storage closets in the garage or our sheds. Do this before the Texas sun sets in or we will dread being out in 100-degree weather.
Springtime is here, and it is a great time of year to move to a new home or to downsize into a smaller space. Putting your property on the market and planning for a [...]
While we all would like to simplify our lives by decluttering our home, work spaces, and organizing our lives with our busy schedules, it seems that life has become more complicated with all of the [...]
Although it is still cold outside, spring will be here before we know it and we will be transitioning into our spring wardrobe. If you are like most people, the thought of cleaning out [...]
It is the start of the new year and before we know it, tax season will creep up on us. If you are like me, you think that you have plenty of time to pull [...]
Happy New Year. I can’t believe it’s already 2018! After being in the business for almost 16 years, and reading a bunch of Facebook post and blog posts, we all know organization is always at [...]
We are now officially into the gift giving season and we all have our gift recipient list together right? Or maybe not. There is always that friend, neighbor, or service person that gives a [...]
Get Organized this Holiday Season and Avoid the Holiday Stress! Is the thought of the upcoming holidays stressing you out? Don’t worry, we all feel it. Thanksgiving is over, we managed to get through [...]
Now that summer is over we can focus more on our work schedules and family, but we can also throw in some clutter therapy as well. De-cluttering your closets, bathroom drawers, and desk [...]
Fall is the perfect time to clean out and organize your garage. The weather is cooler and you can make room for your car(s) for the winter months. I am originally from the Midwest [...]
Have you ever said, “This is the year, I am going to get organized.“ OR, “I’m ready this year to cut the paper clutter.” OR, “This is the year I am going to [...]
We’ve all heard about Spring Cleaning but what about the rest of year? Doesn’t it deserve a little love and attention? At Sorted Out, we definitely think so! As a matter of fact, [...]
Tip #1: BE A PASSWORD JUNKIE How many times have you clicked on the link, “forgot your password,” had to wait an absurd amount of time for the email, then followed [...]
Spring is upon us and that means it’s time to get organized. Do not let the idea overwhelm you. Only spending small segments of time each day on getting organized will get you far [...]
October is here and so the time for costumes, decorations, candy, and spooky fun begins! This month’s post will cover helpful Halloween safety tips approved by the National Safety Council. To ensure Halloween [...]
Take Inventory Create an Excel spreadsheet to map out what you have and where it’s going to go. Schedule Time to Review Agree on a date and time [...]
In today’s world it’s hard to get rid of stuff that we no longer need. This month let’s focus on the items we really can live without. Perfect example of some things we [...]