Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer During a Renovation Project Blog

At Sorted Out we are all about strength and independence. We absolutely understand that many of us work hard for our money and don’t spend it lightly and without purpose. We know firsthand how Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and, heck, even blogs such as this one can make organization and home renovations look easy. (The keyword there being “look”.) It looks easy. The reality? Home renovations are better left in the hands of experts for many reasons. As professionals that have been in this space for over two decades, we can assure you that the benefits of hiring a Professional Organizer during a renovation project make the money you’ll spend above and beyond “worth it”. Read on to see all you will gain by hiring a Professional Organizer during a renovation project.

Maximize Your Use of Space

No one can maximize space like a professional organizer with a fresh slate. During a renovation, a Professional Organizer can help you plan the layout of the space to make sure you are maximizing the use of the new area. They can also plan for storage and implement the best organizational systems to help you optimize every inch of space you have available. If they’ve been hired to work with you during the renovation they can plan out the best organizational bins, baskets, containers, etc. that will fit the space and match your personal style. For example, if you love a certain style of storage container, they can work with the designer and builder to ensure the pantry/closet/cabinet/etc. is the perfect size to fit the optimal number of that specific container. With the space being new and unmarked/unaffected by previous organizational systems they’re able to customize it to fit your exact needs. This is something only a true, experienced professional can offer.

Improve Functionality & Maintainability

A Professional Organizer is the best person to count on when it comes to creating a space that is both functional and easily maintainable. They will customize the organization and systems to each client and will make the space function in a way that works best for all family members’ needs (especially those who have ADHD!) If the proper systems and organizational structures are put in place as the renovation occurs, the space will be more efficiently used from the get-go! Areas of functionality and various needs you may not have considered without their input can be worked into the design for your renovated space. This extra planning and forethought of hiring a Professional Organizer for the renovation ensures that every aspect of the new space will function at its highest level.

Streamline the Process & Save Time

Once hired, a Professional Organizer will take many renovation stresses off your plate. Your organizer will help with the planning process from start to finish. They will begin with the major task of decluttering the space to rid it of anything you no longer need or want and make an inventory of everything you will be keeping in the space. A Professional Organizer can also pack everything up and make sure it is stored properly while your new space is underway. By having a professional to keep things orderly and organized, you will avoid damaging your belongings or losing things in the process. Once completed, they will get everything unpacked & set up to bring your dreams and vision into reality.

Stick to Your Budget

A huge benefit to including a Professional Organizer in your budget is that they’ll help you (and everyone else involved) stick to your total renovation budget. A professional organizer will make sure all items and materials are available and properly stored, ensuring nothing gets damaged in the renovation process. Having someone keep things organized will allow you to have better control of your inventory so you don’t overspend on unnecessary or unneeded items. Having them assist you from start to finish also ensures your plan is effectively using the space and that you won’t walk away with a finished project that needs costly adjustments or reworking only a short time later.

Additional Benefits

You will be able to thank a Professional Organizer for setting up and implementing proper systems that will teach the family skills for staying organized as you move forward. They will reduce your stress and anxiety during the process because everything will have a designated space and be easy to find when needed. Renovations can be difficult, but with a Professional Organizer there to maintain order and cleanliness during the renovation you will feel less of that burden and come out on the other side less overwhelmed.

Not only will your project processes be streamlined, but the proper organization and style obtained will help elevate your home and newly renovated spaces! No one wants to put the required effort and money into a renovation only to have an end-product short of “perfect”. The greatest benefit of hiring a Professional Organizer to help with your renovation isn’t the hours of stress, money, and time they will save you during the project, it’s the years and years of enjoyment waiting for you in your new space at the end. As I said, I know the internet makes a renovation look simple, but we can guarantee it will be if you hire one of our Sorted Out organizers! Our inbox at is open and we’d be honored the opportunity to work with you on a renovation project to make the space of your dreams a reality.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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There are so many ways that organization can help take back a space that is overwhelming and bring it to functional! We are excited to help start your journey to an organized and productive space.