back to school

It’s that time of year again; the weather is starting to cool, the days are starting to get shorter, and the kids are living up every last bit of summer. With back to school brings reconnecting with friends, new teachers and hectic schedules. One way you can make things easier on the whole family is by making a homework station.  This will allow your kids to have everything they need to complete their homework in one area, instead of running all over the house to find supplies.


Below are some tips and ideas to create the perfect homework station.

  • Before you create your homework station, make sure you are putting the supplies in or near the spot where your children actually do their homework. Having all of the homework supplies in another room will cause your children to say “Mom/Dad I need such and such” and then ask you to go get it.” You want them to be able to have everything at their disposal to get started without much assistance.
  • What to have in your homework station: This depends on the ages and stages of your children. Also add some simple craft items that they like to do so they can mix in some fun after their homework is done.
    • Colored Pencils, crayons, markers
    • Regular Pencils, pens, erasers
    • Scissors, Glue and Tape
    • Lined, white and multi-color paper
    • Rulers, calculators, and any other tools your child may need to complete their work.
    • Any extra craft items that they are into at the time…I.E. decorative tape, stickers, pipe cleaners, puff balls.
  • Simple set up: Make sure you have everything separated and clearly labeled so it is easy for the kids to know where things are and where they go as clean up time comes. Make sure the containers you choose are not too large for the items that it is holding. If there is a lot of extra room in the container it is asking for the kids to pile random stuff in it.
  • If the kids do their homework in the kitchen, clear out a cupboard to house the homework station. If they have a designated homework area in your home installing a floating shelf above the desk or work area is a great way to house the supplies.
  • Have extra supplies on hand so your children don’t have to take supplies out of their bag; because they may not make it back for the next day.
  • Make sure your children can reach the supplies so it is easy access for them.


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